Once there lived a carefree youth in a rented room inside Narsingh Camp at Thamel. Two of his immediate neighbours staying on the same floor of the house were a taxi driver and a cook. The taxi driver was none other than Nepal's most famous singer, the late Narayan Gopal. The taxi driver Narayan Gopal was unusually shy.
CK Lal claims that he was the third flatmate, sharing the Thamel apartment with Babu Kaji and Narayan Gopal.
Narayan Gopal's wife however doesn't agree with CK Lal's claim.
CK Lal's "Let them eat cake" (#78) about Swar Samrat Narayan Gopal has attracted the attention of this Trust. Lal's recollections are interesting and wonderful, but what disturbed and shattered me badly was his reference to the singer being a taxi driver. I was with my husband during that period, and I am quite sure he never even touched the steering wheel of a taxi, let alone any vehicle with four wheels.It is strange why Pamala need to reply in the name of Narayan Gopal Music Trust instead of replying as herself, the wife of late singer.
Pemala Guruwacharya
Narayan Gopal Music Trust
CK Lal also didn't back from his claim by saying, "Despite my advancing age, I stand by my memory."
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